Photo shows seven life-size unicorn sculptures all painted in vivid colours in different designs each by a different artists. The Clifton Suspension bridge can be seen in the background.
The photo shows the head and forelegs of Ejits unicorn painted pink and teal with a character in a purple bear suit on this side and white tattoo inspired doodles covering the whole surface of the sculpture.
The photo shows a clear view of the side of Ejits unicorn with the character in a purple bear suit. They have a cheeky tongue poking out facial expression and have a spray can in one hand. It look like they’re spray painting the unicorn.
The photo shows the other side of Ejits unicorn which has a cutesy Reaper inspired character holding a marker pen. It looks like they’re drawing all the tattoo inspired doodles all over the sculpture.
The photos shows a close up photo of the character in the purple bear suit on one side of Ejits unicorn. Photo is in its summer location at The Galleries, Bristol.
Close up photo of the bum and back of Ejits unicorn showing Ejits signature just above the tail. Photo is in its summer location at The Galleries, Bristol.
Another side view photo showing a clearer shot of the Reaper character. Photo is in its summer location at The Galleries, Bristol.
A close up photo of the face of Ejits unicorn, it shows doodles that say Gert lush and a big flower symbol, lightening bolts and rain cloud with happy faces. Photo is in its summer location at The Galleries, Bristol.

The Unicornfest

I was thrilled to be asked to paint a unicorn for The Unicornfest in 2023. I’ve wanted to paint a creature for a sculpture trail for years and years so this was a bit of a dream come true.


The Hills Have Eyes

